The Young Adult Section – Aila’s Book Nook | Tamborine Mountain Real Estate & Property Management - Professionals

The Young Adult Section – Aila’s Book Nook

Professionals Serendipity Community Insight 14th January, 2024 No Comments
Book Nook Tamborine Mtn

Who doesn’t love a good book? From fiction to fact, graphic novels to gardening, there’s something for everyone, young and old. Aila’s Book Nook places special emphasis on the ‘young’ part, but not because its selections cater only to children: in fact, its selection is extremely diverse. No, the fascinating thing about Tamborine Mountain’s newest bookstore is the incredible fact that its owner, Aila Crawford, is only 14 years old. We were lucky enough to chat with Aila today to find out how a teenager comes to own her own bookstore on Gallery Walk and hear her inspirational story for any young entrepreneur.

by Kyle Hitchmough

How did you come to own your Book Nook?

I like books, and I think with Mum owning Witchscents, it was wanting to follow in that sort of line. We were sitting out the front of Whistling Duck Village and we noticed this shop was vacant, and I said to my mum “That would make a really good book store,” and she said “Do it, then!” It just kind of started from there. I’m homeschooled, so I can make my own hours.

Book Nook Tamborine Mtn

Have you always liked books?

Yes! I used to read probably a lot more than I do now, but I’m getting back into it.

Where do you get your books from?

A lot of them have been donated, and then I buy a lot of them online. We go to second-hand stores to get a few things too. I get them from everywhere and anywhere I can. I’ve had a lot of local support, people donating once they heard I was opening up the shop. We were getting tons of Facebook messages from people wanting to donate. I like games and puzzles as well, those things sell really well.

What do your friends think of you owning your own book store?

Most of them don’t really know! I’ve got a couple friends that know, but otherwise, no.

What’s the most popular kind of book or other item you sell?

I’m finding the new books and games are selling a lot better than the second-hand stuff, especially over Christmas, probably for gifts and stuff. I’ve got a good range of new books too. Sustainable living, beekeeping, creating your own veggie gardens, all that sort of stuff. They seem to be good sellers.

Property Managers Tamborine Mountain

Have you noticed any trends in your customers?

Not really, it’s a good range of kids and adults. I get a lot of locals, people coming in after school with their kids.

As a local, what do you think about Tamborine Mountain and its community?

I think it’s a nice little community. I like the trees. There’s a bit to do, but some stuff at night would be nice.

What do you like to do in the area?

I play soccer up at the sports grounds, Tamborine Eagles.

What do you think Aila’s Book Nook provides to the area?

It probably provides a bit of entertainment for younger kids. I offer a store credit, so it’s also a way people can come and bring a book back in and swap it for another one. Lots of locals have done that, which is cool, especially the kids.

What do you enjoy most about doing this?

I think I like sitting in the corner and reading my own books while waiting for customers! It’s a pretty chill job. I’m learning a lot about business and how to be organised, thinking and planning ahead about what I might need to order and that kind of stuff. Cash handling, managing money… I fully funded all this myself. I used to work for my mum, and I saved up and put all of the money into this.

Do you have a favourite book?

I like the Harry Potter series. Right now I’m reading The Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody, but I like a variety of books.

What’s been your most memorable moment here?

Probably the first day I opened. I had a lot of support from people coming in and saying hi, stuff like that.

Aila’s Book Nook

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